About me

1. General

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Spanish native
    • English C1
    • Valencià C1
  • Born in 2000
  • MSc Computer Science (Infosec) at TUGraz (Graz University of Technology)
    • IAIK Information Security Scholarship 2022
    • Major: Information Security
    • Minor: Embedded
  • Computer Science Bachelor from the University of Alicante Polytechnic School

2. Interests

(Doesn’t imply that I know a lot about a certain subject, just interest)

  • C/C++
  • Low level stuff
  • Operating Systems development
  • Reverse engineering
  • modal editors (vim, emacs), tiling window managers, desktop ricing, TUI/CLI programs, etc
  • System administration
  • Hardening
  • Linux, OpenBSD…
  • LaTeX

3. Software that I use/like

  • Distro: Fedora
  • WM: dwm
  • Launcher: dmenu
  • Terminal: st
  • Font: TODO
  • Shell: zsh
  • Browser: ungoogled-chromium/librewolf
  • Code Editor: doom-emacs/neovim depending
  • Quick editing: neovim
  • Messaging: signal
  • PDF viewer: zathura
  • Documents: latex + doom-emacs, org, markdown…





4. Profiles